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Aeronautical Engineer pierre filhol

My personal and professional project

An international career

I wish to evolve in an international environment: work with co-workers of various nationalities. To work in Germany would please me very at first. Afterward, I would like to have the opportunity to discover the other countries: Canada, the United States, South Africa,...

Aeronautical Engineer

I would like to work for the aircraft industry, as engineer for an aircraft manufacturer, a motoriste, a subcontractor or a consulting firm.

What departments?

The services of R&D, production and technical direction interest me particularly. I would also like to have an experience as technical sales representative and in the marketing department.

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Engineer ESTACA - Aeronautics Engineer - International Engineer - Engineer Student ESTACA - Engineer Internship - Aeronautics Internship - Seeking for Internship - International Experience - Pierre Filhol